Milengo Stands with Ukraine

We at Milengo are deeply shocked and appalled at the war that has broken out in Ukraine. The suffering caused by the invasion is unimaginable, and the plight our many employees in the region face make the impact of this even more profound for us.
As a translation service provider, we strive to foster understanding across cultural boundaries and bring people together, no matter where they come from. Not least for this reason, it fills us with tremendous sadness how the assertion of power-political interests continues to inexorably divide the global community. In response to the conflict, Milengo is taking the following action:
- We are terminating our working relations with translation agencies and business partners who openly support the war in Ukraine with immediate effect.
- Until further notice, we will give preference to translators based in the Ukraine in order to provide financial support where it is needed the most.
- We will match any donations made by our employees that go towards humanitarian aid for victims of the war in Ukraine.
There are no winners in war. That is why we are now appealing to the institutions and politicians involved to push forward with the peace process with a renewed resolve at every level – there is no other option.